A love in verse

A Muse

Performed by

‘What to do’ and ‘How to live’

And ‘Consciousness – the reason?’

Recurred each thinking season

‘The universe must give’

I said ‘the answer – soon

Somewhere beneath the moon’


A muse – very good-looking

With wiry, fiery hair

Tasty, clothed or bare,

(Such skin!) would not be brooking

Philosophy’s meanders

And dealt them swift right-handers


Such skill at love – she had it

Truth? That’s what she brought me

Hope no longer sought me,

She paid it as deposit

On Life – that’s life together

Fulfilment, two in tether


Now when I think on things and doubt

Her love cries “cuntstruck – leave it out!”


We Need a Lift

Nothing luminous everything drab, 

The streets are wet without the cheer of rain

The window plants...

My Rose

The garden where you’ve been,

(My young, my evergreen)

Sparkles with the flowers you’ve grown...