A love in verse

After the Decision

Performed by

Stay with me in the race. I’m hanging in the saddle

Almost off. Reach now from your sure mount

And steady me. Seat assured, firm of straddle

I’ll hold you too. Don’t fear that this may count

Grounds for objection; nothing to feel shame for,

Our Good Steward shall not say that we offend – 

Dead-heating for first place in what we aim for

One always, nose by nose, right to the end – 

We’ll win for love, it’s what we’re in the game for

Only now, right now, I need a friend. 



For every joy there comes a pain;

To know you’s joy – and your demise?

The thrilling kiss, the soul that cries…


I dreamed and dreamed my whole life through

Then I woke up and there was you.

Thought about a real good looker...