A love in verse

All the Future

Performed by

First day of the month I drag

My body down the station stairs

Sunny but chilly’s the verdict – where’s

The leafy summer gone, I gag

(A witticism awfully wet

But that’s as good as you’re gonna get)

Also at fifty miles per hour

I fly from Alison my love

But now reflect how life’s full of

Her presence – in my life a flower

Lovelier and more precious than

The Mona Lisa, an also ran!

Kinder, braver than them all

She goes about her day serene

But then I know the stress she’s seen

And yet she makes my life a ball!

That’s why my life and love I yield

To her complete. I’ll be her shield

Above all I’ll be her romance

And hold her firm and dance and dance

And all the future we’ll enhance!


Thanks for Bringing Me the Spring

Thank you for the daffodils 

Standing in their pewter vase

Pointing to heaven and the stars...

We Lose a Little of Our Soul

No one can quite understand 

Not young exactly THEN

The wildness of the Sixties...