A love in verse

At Home

Performed by

Heaven’s an autumnal room

When Allie is at home

The window-ivy shedding gloom 

When Allie is at home

A cat-filled chair, a cup of tea,

Fireplace flowers, hummed melody,

Make up what heaven means to me

When Allie is at home

Her scattered desk, her cigarettes

When Allie’s not at home,

Wring me so with stark regrets

When Allie’s not at home

Why need we ever be apart?

I cry- but then the good thoughts start – 

Heaven’s our double love-fused heart

Where Allie’s always home. 


An Autumn Walk

Who’s my best companion for

An autumn walk by the canal?

Contented with? Couldn’t be more!...

Melancholy January

Sun long gone soon after four

Trees against the sky, no more

With leaves, they claw the dimming cloud...