A love in verse

Come to the Show

Performed by

Chivalrous feelings restrain 

A chap who is your worshipper

And yet the fact must remain: 

You spent so much time as a stripper

You stripped all over the house,

The floors, staircases and rooms

Now I wouldn’t be one to grouse

A broadminded man never fumes

Wherever you stripped there was beauty

Your stripping so pleased the eye

Why not? You thought it your duty

And I told myself: lucky guy

“To have such a wife who can strip

In such fashion – that’s real showmanship!”


As Time Goes By

We’ve said goodbye for what seems long

But I’ll be brave in time between

Although the pickings may be lean...

I’ll Be Around

Soon the winding counties will 

Be lost behind me, motorways

And bending roads, the shopping malls...