A love in verse


Performed by

I dreamed and dreamed my whole life through

Then I woke up and there was you.

Thought about a real good looker

And there – you’d come to use the cooker

What had the Ouija board to say?

“Her names begin with A and K”

I watched a million cinema shows

A real life one revealed a Rose

I tried the lottery of life

I won top prize – Allie, my wife

I searched the world for perfect blue

And found your eyes of stunning hue

I now refuse to dream – instead

A waking dream is in my bed. 


What Makes Sense

Though seasons turn it shan’t be hard

To see those last years out

Must find things different, catch them starred...

The Music Museum

Let’s go to the Music Museum again,

Let’s fulfil that silly ambition – 

Each April to October we intend to and then...