A love in verse

Each to His Own

Performed by

These autumn days I’m chuffed inside

No chat about the ‘dying year’

Just how glad I am I’m here

And you’re here too, my seventies bride

As I’ve said that’s all I need

Plus the odd million for incidentals

For high life living and holiday rentals

Now and then – enough indeed!

While my lovely cuts the grass

Won’t have a gardener cos that’s her joy

So I, her understanding boy

Let her reap on, while hours pass.

I sit and study, she wields the muscle

She’s Action Man, I’m Bertrand Russell. 


The Constant Flower

I do predict the evening primrose stays

Alive in some last blooms to make for you

(And me) a sudden remake of the ray....

Well, Yes, Alright…

Sans toi je mors, ma chère, ma chère

Si te me quitte, le monde, c’est rien;

Mon Coeur...