A love in verse

Ever Young

Performed by

I’ve never thought of you as less than young

Though things concern you – imagined lines, maybe

White veins among your hair’s dark ore; among

You sweetnesses no sign of time I see.

My best girl has of what youth has the best

Within her colours most of all is green;

To hear her larking laugh you might have guessed

Her all of twenty-odd; but what I mean

Is that it’s truly never caught my mind

That you have age; and when your beauty shines

The light is that which in new things we find

That glows forever and never defines

No: you’re my ever young my ever now

My ever sweet and lovely youthful you. 


We Lose a Little of Our Soul

No one can quite understand 

Not young exactly THEN

The wildness of the Sixties...

No Notes

Forgive long days when no notes come

I feel the lack as well as you – 

Something creative and honest to do...