A love in verse


Performed by

This to the girl with the world on her shoulders

(Family, work, all the problems that press)

I love you – and all of the trust love has told us

Shall lift up those pressures, and end all duress.

You’ll go on with strength but the strength shall be lightness

Fortune will kiss you and heaven will bless

Get him! So assured, his pietistic rightness,

Where’s the authority in what he says? 

Hmm… you’re so gorgeous, kind and deserving

That somehow I’ve faith and my faith is unswerving.

Hold fast to faith when the times are unnerving. 


Love’s Pride

The jobs, the seasons, come and go;

It’s sunny, raining, years go by.

You do not age and seem to grow...

Hot Knowledge

Your sexiest aspect when we’re in bed

Are you eyes – they thrill me dead

They gleam, so narrow, blue, so rude...