A love in verse

Growing Old

Performed by

You feel beleaguered when you’re old

For what’s to come? Fuck all, you’d say

The last few sunsets slip away…

Say, pain and death? That’s not too bold

And now you’re old, too old to dream

A dreary lot waits it would seem. 

But I am an exceptional case

Now to forever I am blessed

No cause to claim I am depressed

When in the light of your sweet face

A dream that will not go away

I walk with happiness every day

Dream realised. What’s more to ask? 

The light that gleams on winter field

Insists to gloom, I’ll never yield.

The god of love’s performed his task

For me: the sun and you inhabit

The world. So paradise? I’ll grab it!


Her Last Return

I signed her last return today

The Alison file is empty now

With this last year she's over the brow...


I don’t want to disturb you but

Nor do I wish to lie

And say I’m happy watching grey welsh...