A love in verse

I Shall Not Hold You Again

Performed by
Obioma Ugoala

In life I shall not hold you again -

I've held the box your ashes are in -

But I can't take death on the chin

Or moon about 'remember when'

For I've your picture by my side

Caught in a flash of happiness-

Saying 'Get lost!' To all distress

With shining eyes and a smile so wide

But more than consolation, this

For me, is a focus on your spirit

And not just hope alone is in it

Or a memory of bliss;

Above all these your strength is there

To lift me up and bid me dare


Pretty Okay

I can’t crib at being alive

It ain’t too bad. I got this place – 

A woman with a smashing face...

My 68th

All the cares and despairs of busy days

Can never outweigh my deep content

For I live by your eyes...