A love in verse


Performed by

You’re as wise as you are pretty 

When you say to me “Let go”

And when I think it a monstrous pity

That time passes, it’s daft I know

For though I remember the girls dependent

Young and vulnerable and small

And have regret, yet they’re resplendent

Now, grown up, attractive and tall

And I still have their lovely mother

To grace my days as I grow old

And feel ashamed I want it other

Than what it really is: pure gold

Yet! I cannot but remember such things were 

Being of childhood things a connoisseur


My Alison

Alison, my Alison

Though the afternoon is frowning

In our love our fears are drowning...

Storm and Stress

Across the view the long wall stretches

Dark, but topped with lonely snow

Stark branches grasp a sky that’s low...