A love in verse

Mafeking Avenue

Performed by

A woman who’s been through the world

And travelled the length of life and seen

And suffered, loved, enjoyed and been 

By fate and teeming existence hurled

Into a play up north with me

That is how our love came to be

Our ways were joined and then there came

Two lovely daughters – long left home

But constantly with us – and you can comb

The streets of the land, there’s none might claim

A better sense of family ties

And we’re so glad for all we have:

We four, late of Mafeking Av



I passionately long to stand, hands in the bowl

Washing up, looking out onto our sunlit garden.

I long to see a cat move sleepily and pause

Separation and Content

We all suffer separation

Some more than others – I 

A self-absorbed of long duration...