A love in verse


Performed by

Brentford, old Brentford – means for me

My lifelong home, my angel-nest

My school, my pastime and, what’s best

My own loved portrait gallery

Pictures! And they’re all my Rose

In any room (at certain times)

Oh please see how my spirits xxx

When I see Rose’s lovely poses

Rembrandt couldn’t catch those eyes

Nor Raphael each luscious curve

Titian’s genius would not serve

To paint her hair (and Renoir tries) 

Perfection finds the Masters wanting

Darling Allie’s too enchanting.


Hearts and Flowers

My Allie golden-heart and sky-blue eyes

You flower- bed where my desires swarm

For ever inspiration of my sight...

End of Dreams

Don’t let the daydreams live too long

Clear the cobwebs and proceed

So many children we must feed...