A love in verse

Keep Calling Me

Performed by

Loveliest, nowhere looking your age

Caressingly calling me a cunt – oh, my dear

The happiest of lovers, glad I’m not queer

I treasure you as you assuage

The fever I suffer from my length of time

On earth – come kiss, make my temperature climb

As I wander the building, this house that’s chock-full

Of your presence – your sweet voice I hear

In memory, calling me a cunt and such sheer

Joy fills my being. You’re so beautiful

To change one iota would be an affront 

Oh stay as you are and keep calling me cunt. 


Hot Knowledge

Your sexiest aspect when we’re in bed

Are you eyes – they thrill me dead

They gleam, so narrow, blue, so rude...

There is a Lady I Hold Dear

There is a lady I hold dear

So much in my heart she stars 

Angel’s eyes survey me clear...