A love in verse

Good Morning

Performed by

When you’re putting on the second shoe

Time’s getting on but not too late

And a lovely voice calls up to you

“Ready – just putting it on the plate”

And the smell of bacon meets you on the stairs

And you follow it hungrily down to its source

To see the dish you’d wish for in your prayers

Fried eggs and bacon – tomatoes, of course

Delicate mushrooms – fried bread, the lot

In a splendid kitchen bright with the spring

All perfectly cooked (colourful and hot)

By a perfect lady who makes your heart sing

Smiling and bright-eyed , beautiful, gay

With skin smooth as cream from Devon

Well, you can only express it one way:

That’s as near as you get to heaven! 


Never Ending Dawn

The treasures of time are loaded on my back

What a welcome burden! Memories alone 

Would be a lottery win...

Quiet Please

On this still Sunday afternoon,

My love lies down to rest.

Brentford, sing her a soothing tune...