A love in verse

Waterloo to Brentford

Performed by

Waterloo to Brentford and back 

To an horizon of writhing track

Rain on blue trains laying dust

Falls from a sky of grey and black 

And on the just and the unjust

I’m mixed of both but, love, are you? 

I can’t believe  that to be true.

You’re only just. Oh, let me prize

(Just right, just perfect, just ideal – 

Just perfect blue, just ideal eyes)

With lovely Allie a brief meal

For which I’ve rushed from Waterloo

(Just to spend some time with you)

Come to deliver a flying kiss.

Just an hour at home – so what?

Though travelling’s long, to know the bliss

Of Allie by me’s my best shot.

Just a kiss, two, three or seven

Just to be with her’s just heaven. 


Each to His Own

These autumn days I’m chuffed inside

No chat about the ‘dying year’

Just how glad I am I’m here...


The days would have been rainier

The dark sky never clear

If you’d gone to Tasmania...