A love in verse

Not Perfect

Performed by

Though your sweet voice frightens the cat

I cannot have enough of that

Stentorian snores disturbing air

I love – cos it means you are there. 

Asleep after the very first clue – 

I say “sweet dreams dear – I love you”

And glasses lost ten times today?

There’s mine to borrow anyway

The wine stock drastically reduced?

Still by your eyes I am seduced

Though (unlike me) you’re not perfection

You’re kind and give me an erection!


Bus 391

Hello, my light! The 391 is hurrying,

The trees whizz by the window and the air

(Conditioned) is quite cool...

Storm and Stress

Across the view the long wall stretches

Dark, but topped with lonely snow

Stark branches grasp a sky that’s low...