A love in verse

Nothing Except What’s Good to Give

Performed by

She sees me off to go shopping

Loving wife of older man

He’s fit though, he’s no also-ran

He strides out never stopping

Inspired by her so fond and waving

Thinks with each step: my life she’s saving

Without her I’d be long ago lost

She’s given me children, constant love,

A home, a place to be proud of,

Framed in her style. To me, the cost

Was nothing except what’s good to give

Love – an easy way to live

In my life of simple rapture

I spread my net - and what a capture! 


35 Days Before Moving

Never leave me

Never leave me

You won’t believe me...


When I was young, my bells were rung

For impossible adventures

It’s not the same, no bells proclaim...