A love in verse

Raison d’Etre

Performed by

Let the waving world of leaves

Chatter away at the ends of trees

Let moons turn gold, let come what please

I know what one full life achieves

When it finds its raison d’etre

Forget fortune and fame, etc

I was meant to be your love

To find the riches of a home,

Where hearts no longer need to roam

But settle! The beginnings of

True faithful happiness – forever

To know bliss not beyond endeavour

Thank you Allie, thank you Rose

I adore you, heaven knows.


Love’s Pride

The jobs, the seasons, come and go;

It’s sunny, raining, years go by.

You do not age and seem to grow...


There’s a car, a train, a bus 

That will bring you back to us

When your stay away it's brief...