A love in verse

Reaching Out

Performed by

Allie, I’m reaching out, I’m reaching out. 

Here, Allie, hold. Hold my sinful hand.

My darling, whose touch I cannot do without

Whose hurt look or absence I cannot stand

It’s four o’clock gloom, the roofs are getting wet.

The skies are as heavy as I sometimes feel

But the heat’s creaking on. So much more to come yet

Trust in the Lord to whom we appeal.

Sufficient money? Time to breathe? A running car?

They’re gonna be ours! They are, they are, they are! 


I Must Rally, Allie


We had the happiness of which one hears


King of the Cowboys

Years ago I used to feel

Cut off from the human race

Defiant though, I’d say “The deal

Is this – ...