A love in verse


Performed by

Flowers and love songs are expected things

And verse like this (but better) when the talk

Concerns romantic love but let’s not baulk 

To mention rougher happenings life brings

To love whose romance has the depth of ours – 

The rows, the bloody screams, momentary hate

The sweat getting and raising kids, the wait

For work to come, no cash, the way hope sours

No problem! Sounds a lot but just a sauce.

To the great ten course meal which we two share

What would love be without the cause to care,

Occasional pain, forgiveness, even remorse?

Here is the market place of life’s events

We spend for love and do not deal in pence. 


Pretty Okay

I can’t crib at being alive

It ain’t too bad. I got this place – 

A woman with a smashing face...

Central Heating

My young love rests, hopefully sleeps

In the afternoon in Spring – she

Causes the cold bird to sing, she...