A love in verse


Performed by

I’m not good but I’m lucky that’s the truth

First, being wed to fragrant Allie King

Then dad to Cassie D and Anna Ruth

A douze de l’Avenue de Mafeking

Witty and part-bilingual though I am

I’m also ancient as the fuckin’ hills

But Allie (‘specially when she’s had a dram

Or two of vodka) pours out endless thrills

To ageing rocker-hubbie ‘cos she’s kind

And loves old people and I’m quite antique

Sweet lips, tremendous eyes are what I find

When Allie kisses, her old flame and freak

“Oh boy, oh boy” I cry through Stonehenge teeth

Though I’ve got crutches there’s a fire beneath. 


New Year’s Day

Gulls weave against grey sky

Winter daylight starts to die

Tree lights wink: wind is cold...

New Joys

If I had time and money 

I’d take you on a cruise

But lack of cash ain’t funny...