A love in verse

St David’s Day

Performed by

My daffodil, my leek, my love

My asphodel, she-dragon, you

Are green of all below, above

Including Eistedfoddau too

When, coming up inside the lift

Leaving the coalface for the day

I set my cares and woe adrift

And after showering I’m on my way

To see my Rose, my dear Welsh Rose

Queen of the valleys and my heart

I pray the pit will never close

And we will never never part

I brought a gift, my love, my soul:

A couple of hundred weight of coal! 


The Cause

From kitchen to the garden, from the garden to the skies

This is my world of Thursdays where you, the very moon...

We Need a Lift

Nothing luminous everything drab, 

The streets are wet without the cheer of rain

The window plants...