A love in verse

Thanks to God

Performed by

With Allie singing round the place

Gracing the stairs as I say my prayers

Letting the sun start from her face

Washing away a world of cares

I contemplate my marvellous fate

Such is my wife, a peerless pearl,

Could there be marriage quite so great?

Exists on earth a lovelier girl?

I will go forth to thank the Lord

Who joined us, and to fill my days

With gratitude for blessings poured

To gaze at Allie, esteem His ways

To give them both my heartfelt praise. 


What Makes Sense

Though seasons turn it shan’t be hard

To see those last years out

Must find things different, catch them starred...

Alison's Photo

No I don’t tire of her smile

Her face is new each time I look

Why she is merry- in my book...