A love in verse

The Beautiful Team

Performed by
Tom Scurr

I love the times you call me a cunt

Though some might think it an affront

But I still bliss in knowing this:

Behind each cunt word is a kiss,

Each savage swearword hides a song

Of love to tell me I belong


Belong to the beautiful team called Us

Where there’s not disharmonious fuss

But realisation, and the fact

That our encounter was an act

Made in heaven, or something like

Where love’s in power and hate’s on strike


So, darling darling it’s no stunt

Nor are you being unfairly blunt

When you say (I love it) “cunt”



There’s all the plays I never wrote

And all the parts I didn’t play

No screenplays either I must say...


You’re as wise as you are pretty 

When you say to me “Let go”

And when I think it a monstrous pity...