A love in verse

The Dalai Lama Speaks to Me

Performed by

The Dalai Lama speaks to me:

“You need Nirvana – Freedom, see?

No longer one but with the All

Unseparate – it’ll be a ball”

“I tell him ‘Dally, you don’t know

My A’bugs, do you? Could I show

Her to you you would see my need

To temper heaven with some greed

“I must be separate enough

To see and hold her – or else, tough!

Before my atoms you dissever

They must mingle with hers forever”

He says “Just seen her! What a one!

I’ll fix the metaphysics, son

Ever together,” “Thank you, Kun”


Sweet Evening Rare

Home, among the rooms and halls

Gold light falling on stripped pine

Daffs foam from the vase, the walls...

Vain Summer Things

In void cloudless afternoons

With dust on kerbs, trees weary with the sun

I thought of things, things I might do...