A love in verse

The Handyman

Performed by

If only energy would stay – 

Two fingers up to eighty-two – 

Because you’re ill I’d wait on you

Devotedly both night and day

And you would never need be tired

‘Cos of this handyman you’ve hired

You’d only go upstairs three times

Per day, you’d never shop or cook

Maybe you’d sit and read a book

I’d care for you and make up rhymes

(You might call poems, I dunno)

Much of the time our love we’d show

By kissing, holding hands, stroke brow

Hey, we do that anyhow!


Those Two

Crudely pinned, the walls all wear

Dozens of paintings; on the floor

In stripy dress a silent bear...

To Scotland

We met in Scotland: to her I say

Greetings on St Andrew’s Day!

She’s sort of Scottish by consent...