A love in verse

The Old Joanna

Performed by

Sometimes everything is grace

Sunday evening after dinner

My love plays – talent’s in her

Under-practiced though, she’ll trace

A phrase of Chopin eloquently

Enough to bring a peace in me

A better world, a better life

Beyond the darkness we see now

I glimpse where music must allow

Hope and joy to cut through strife

And bring the world the peace I feel

Where violence ends and things must heal

Thus, Alison upon the keys, 

Hesitant, but sure to please. 


The Answer to it All

This is the secret of the sphinx 

Allie loves Pete so the whole world turns

All woman can mean from mother to minx 

Alison's Photo 2

Even the Beatles are passé now

And memory of Sinatra fades

On flower power they’ve pulled the shades...