What a long long way I’ve come
- Time and wood and stars -
But way back things began to hum
- Skies and trees and wars -
Two decades past, things looking black
Found myself on the right track
Glad I never once looked back
- Earth and birds and scars -
Saw you sitting by the road
- Sea and bread and tears -
We each had a heavy load
- Homes and grass and stairs -
Guess my heavy care was me
Yours was you, now we could see
Light for you and I were we
- Wine and games and years -
Now no weight can put us down
- Bricks and birth and streams -
Though fate sometimes seems to clown
- Cats and stone and schemes -
A little dance along the way
Or a wee bit tired and grey
But more and more in love each day
- Touch and kids and dreams –