A love in verse

To Scotland

Performed by

We met in Scotland: to her I say

Greetings on St Andrew’s Day!

She’s sort of Scottish by consent

You draw her back (p’raps she was lent)

A man of patches stepped north too

And loved her, took her back from you.

Ah, Scotland, ah – and did those feet

So GORGEOUS walk the Glaswegian street?

And did those eyes in Sauchiehall gleam

Blazing blue, a Hibernian dream…?

Well, tough, I’ve got her, way down south

I hold her sweetness, kiss her mouth

But all the same, Hibernia thanks 

To town and glen, lochs, braes and banks! 


The Last I Wrote While She Was Still Alive

The air is grey but the temperature’s warm

Late afternoon in an old Kent town

My mood is neutral, kind of brown...

Coming Through

My mind’s a little scattered

Not knowing what to do

But all that’s ever mattered...