A love in verse

A Time and Place

Performed by

When I wake you up for morning tea

I always feel immensely fond – 

You’re drowsy and not quite yet beyond

The borders of sleep – it’s a child I see

A kid who’s quite adorable

With eyes half open, and vulnerable

We put on your gown, you go to the loo

I sit at the table with the tea

Thinking, what a delight it will be

Enjoying that early hour with you

And so I do – we smoke and sip

And let the conversation rip

You wake and I long to cuddle and kiss

But, sleepy, you might not appreciate this! 


In Bath

Though you cannot see my face

Let this note for now replace

That far from lovely feature...

The Garden

Stepping out from the wooden shed

Before me’s the garden (and then the house)

There's every shade, from deepest red...