A love in verse

An Ideal Husband

Performed by

I feel my life blessed by your love 

I sit here in a radiant sun

Reminded of you, warmth above,

All round, with yours within made one.

And from a train, the Thames, the trees,

Appearing perfect in their grace

Share their lovely power to please

With the heaven of your face.

And even when I play my part

And hear (I hope!) the laughter swell

I tell the audience in my heart

“That laughter is for her as well”


Reaching Out

Allie, I’m reaching out, I’m reaching out. 

Here, Allie, hold. Hold my sinful hand.

My darling...

St David’s Day

My daffodil, my leek, my love

My asphodel, she-dragon, you

Are green of all below, above...