A love in verse

End of Dreams

Performed by

Don’t let the daydreams live too long

Clear the cobwebs and proceed

So many children we must feed

And none of us is growing young

The future of the child looks tough

Without our woes he has enough

The fantasies I’ve not disowned

Are legion so I must say “fuck ‘em”

Flowers that grow on shit, I’ll pluck ‘em

And chuck ‘em! Dreams it seems are loaned

A year or so then they’re no use

Indulge them then and that’s abuse

I had a dream that you’d love me

Goodbye dream – it came to be!


Doing Plays

Allie is a lass that must surpass

The highest hopes of lost man’s longing 

I’d long have been put out to grass...

Rose Arrives

From depth of bed to springing step

(The stick discarded on the way)

From enforced tiredness to pep...