A love in verse


Performed by

Shall I begin with your rare hair

Heaven to press my face against?

Eyes to bring me to despair

Describing, skin to drive the sense

To madness (kind of cream and sexy)

Arms (bare arms!) not plump-pneumatic,

Lips to bring on apoplexy

A shape curvy and quite dramatic:

In and out just where you want;

Perfect posterior, yum, yum, yum,

Feet? Well! Lovely as your bum

Shall I begin with such as these?

Okay, now then, about your knees… 


An Ideal Husband

I feel my life blessed by your love 

I sit here in a radiant sun

Reminded of you, warmth above...

Doing Well

When I think of the parts I don’t play.

The minuscule oeuvre of my writing career

I look at you...