A love in verse

Bus 391

Performed by

Hello, my light! The 391 is hurrying,

The trees whizz by the window and the air

(Conditioned) is quite cool – all’s well, no worrying

About our being apart – I’ll soon be there.

Happy I am! You’re extraordinarily lovely,

The whole of you’s a sweet, comely delight.

Now by the bus stop I tell the stars above me

Their beauty’s bettered, and I thread the night 

In trains and buses urging them to fly

Through star – and streetlight – I must kiss or die! 


Sweet Evening Rare

Home, among the rooms and halls

Gold light falling on stripped pine

Daffs foam from the vase, the walls...

Time and Years and Dreams

What a long long way I’ve come

- Time and wood and stars - 

But way back things began to hum...