A love in verse

King of the Cowboys

Performed by
David Hemsted

Years ago I used to feel

Cut off from the human race

Defiant though, I’d say “The deal

Is this – I’ll rule some empty place

Large, deserted – and despite despair – 

I’ll be King of the Cowboys there”

A desert island, if you like

Sad but sod it! on a crag

Up high, a regal pose I’d strike

“I’m King of the Cowboys” I would brag 

(Some memory I’d disinterred

From childhood cinema, though absurd)

And I’d be sitting there today

Had I not seen you in a dream

And built a boat and come away

To find you but – no more a dream – 

I found you – you gave me a smile and

Said “Keep off that bleedin’ island!”



When I was young, my bells were rung

For impossible adventures

It’s not the same, no bells proclaim...

A Time and Place

When I wake you up for morning tea

I always feel immensely fond – 

You’re drowsy and not quite yet beyond...