A love in verse


Performed by

Dead weight everywhere – sky’s loaded,

Heavy with grey. No wind to break

This sombreness and what could shake

This gloom? Lightness has been outmoded

No lamps on yet, no breeze to stir,

In all the world one hope – it’s her.

She alone makes feet to dance

And causes low-down hearts to lift

With song and laughter in her gift

She sprinkles darkness with romance

And when there’s winter in the air

She makes a summer everywhere – 

Then why are you apart, you clown? 

You’re right, I’d better get on down! 



I look at you asleep in the dim

Dining room’s post meridian gloom

And think, how fortunate is this room...

Eyes Inspiring

Not just because it is the weekend dearest 

I feel empowered to promise greater strength

From me to withstand threats, to be the cheeriest...