A love in verse

Never Ending Dawn

Performed by

The treasures of time are loaded on my back

What a welcome burden! Memories alone 

Would be a lottery win, overflow the sack

And yet becoming lighter as they’ve grown

Time present and time future still at hand – 

I see you, speak to hear from you; you glow

Now in my heart, a present blaze that’s fanned

By those same memories the years bestow.

To come! Long years to tread the paths of old,

Working and playing, parents, lovers, friends.

Then seeming sunset, fantastic and gold,

That changes to a dawn that never ends!

Share this with me: the more love takes on board

The lighter grows the burden. Thank the lord. 


My Sun

Mind dark and scattered – 

Thoughts all over the place – 

As if it mattered...

Quiet Please

On this still Sunday afternoon,

My love lies down to rest.

Brentford, sing her a soothing tune...