A love in verse

An Autumn Walk

Performed by

Who’s my best companion for

An autumn walk by the canal?

Contented with? Couldn’t be more!

I love her so and always shall

She knows the names of birds and flowers

All of whom she’s prettier than

A mate with whom I trudge the hours

A blissfully contented man

Blackberries seemed past their date

But she is sweeter far than them – 

Over bridge and past the gate

My love is la crème de la crème!

A pint for me tops off these trips

The gin and tonic loves her lips

Then it’s home to fish and chips


The Love That Lights

Roar away my feisty snorer

Whilst I leave to have a pee

What could frighten an adorer...

Hearts and Flowers

My Allie golden-heart and sky-blue eyes

You flower- bed where my desires swarm

For ever inspiration of my sight...