A love in verse

Pretty Okay

Performed by

I can’t crib at being alive

It ain’t too bad. I got this place – 

A woman with a smashing face

(And other things) I took to wive

Not wealthily, but happily – 

Yeah, the world’s okay for me

Well, she transformed it in a sense – 

I went along, quite bright of mind

But to things of the heart quite blind

Messing my life – in short, real dense

She changed all that. Her eyes are blue. 

Her hair is gold. Her love is true. 


School for Scandal

All week I’ve worn this wig and dress

And watched the camp convoy of scandal pass

And asked...

Ever Young

I’ve never thought of you as less than young

Though things concern you – imagined lines, maybe

White veins among your hair’s dark ore...