A love in verse

The Bright Side

Performed by

Reaching out across this day,

Missing you in every way,

I feel such desire to delight,

With you, in every joy in sight!

Such rampant richness everywhere!

The earth, the sky, the silver air;

In our lovely girls – our cats – 

The piano’s sharps and flats,

Our august garden, small but jewelled,

The gaiety that may be fuelled

By our doughty home-made brews.

Come on, let us both enthuse! – 

The marvellous food that you can cook,

Records, tapes and soaring songs,

Rooms where my bursting heart belongs

And yours and theirs – our dearest Home!

Free from modern glitz and chrome;

Old hats hanging, posters, clocks

(Plethoras of single socks!)

Subtle colours hinting grace,

Plants profuse about the place.

Photographs of those we love

(And some we have no knowledge of!)

Masks and pictures, drawings, shapes,

Ageing carpets, ancient drapes.

Retaining all original charm, 

Mellow lamps – nothing to harm,

Nothing to frighten: all invites

To share this household of delights

Founded, structured, built by you.

Let’s put off the melancholic view

That we’ve no right to enthuse, enjoy,

Celebrate, like girl and boy.

All because we’re broke and tired

Fuck it all, let’s be inspired!

Our sensibilities have not died! 

They flourish, glorious, cast aside

Every negative and say

We love this blessed blessed day!! 


Bus 391

Hello, my light! The 391 is hurrying,

The trees whizz by the window and the air

(Conditioned) is quite cool...

Come Sunday

Think I’ll pour some homemade beer

To give myself a little cheer

It’s so cold and wintry here...