A love in verse

The Real McCoy

Performed by

Well, are there words to tell it all?

On eighty odd years to set the seal, 

One aphoristic phrase to call

A lifetime’s deeds and thoughts to heel?

The Truth of Love I finally choose;

A world of slaughter and cruelty

Cannot diminish or confuse

Its splendid relevance to me

Embracing the false to find the true

I lived a life on the qui vive

Protecting my own was what was due-

This world of war I’ve learned to leave

“Folding to myself a joy”

I found less good than opening wide

To let joy, which is love, abide

With all I meet, never to cloy

This is it, the real McCoy


Coming Home

When coming out into the evening air

The sky is filled with promise, blue or clouded

The streets are joy, the bus beyond compare...

One Fine Hand

I remember pigeons and sparrows

On the green beneath Edinburgh Castle

I remember smoking a secret joint...