A love in verse

The Theatre of Life

Performed by
Pip Swallow

Elliot and Amanda 

Once long ago

We nearly played them

They said “no”

Ayckbourn instead, love,

Not quite the same

I the great lover,

You the old flame

We would have wowed them

We’d have been grand

But still such lovers

Still hand-in-hand

Moonlight is silver

Sunlight is gold

Glad you still love me

Now we are old. 

It’s not that good but it means so much to Allie and me – PG 27/09/17


In Bath

Though you cannot see my face

Let this note for now replace

That far from lovely feature...

The Story of My Life

What is the story of your life? 

I have a friend – she is my wife

And what philosophy is your spur?...