A love in verse

Sonnet: We Argue

Performed by
Annalie Wilson

We Argue – harmony has some bum notes

Uninterrupted bliss is not our scene

My poems suggest our love has nothing mean

Or bad about it – joy gets all the votes

To reach that far we’d both have to be saints

By definition saints cannot be married

A saint without you? I’d rather be buried

So let’s have love with no holy restraints

We’re human and we love as humans do

Coming together sometimes gives off sparks

And in the light we see how passions arc

From bright to storm and back our whole life through.

The storms are few and frankly give a sauce

To love and living it without remorse. 


Good Times

At night come stars and poems

Stars dimmed sometimes but not the verse

Splendid in intention...

My Rose

The garden where you’ve been,

(My young, my evergreen)

Sparkles with the flowers you’ve grown...