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Roar away my feisty snorer
Whilst I leave to have a pee
What could frighten an adorer...
We shall fly, head to the south
Where things are hot and nature’s deep
Where love and desire never sleep...
I’m a classicist of the old school
I’m into rhyming, iambs, dactyls
Go blank sometimes, but essentially cool...
Come train through the forests of rain
Bring my girl to my aching arms
Into the night against the grain...
From depth of bed to springing step
(The stick discarded on the way)
From enforced tiredness to pep...
The clouds are breaking to the south
Sunlight is sifting through
And now I’m dreaming of the mouth...
A kiss came out of nowhere
And settled on my mouth
Phantom pleasure from the air...
Your bum is better than Venus’s arse
I dwell upon it constantly
Two rounded hillocks of real class...
I love you good or bad
You love me – the same way
It should not make us sad...
Loveliest, nowhere looking your age
Caressingly calling me a cunt – oh, my dear
The happiest of lovers, glad I’m not queer...