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When you’re putting on the second shoe
Time’s getting on but not too late
And a lovely voice call up to you...
Darkness is tumbling from the flies
And fills the gloomy wings
Your backstage lover sits and sighs...
Who would want to dodge love’s arrows
When my Alison’s on the case?
The focus of my senses narrows
All the pounding banks and pockets take
Slowly ceases to sound
We chuck the last uneaten Christmas cake...
I remember pigeons and sparrows
On the green beneath Edinburgh Castle
I remember smoking a secret joint...
We met in Scotland: to her I say
Greetings on St Andrew’s Day!
She’s sort of Scottish by consent...
When I was young, my bells were rung
For impossible adventures
It’s not the same, no bells proclaim...
Your pedal glories in the bed
Beside me every night
Your gorgeous feet – and strike me dead...
They say that one’s genetically disposed
To happiness or the opposite. If so
What’s to be done? My very mind opposed...
Though you cannot see my face
Let this note for now replace
That far from lovely feature...