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Creepily, the piano starts to play
Downstairs – who plays? It can’t be her
She just began to rest...
First day of the month I drag
My body down the station stairs
Sunny but chilly’s the verdict...
Let the waving world of leaves
Chatter away at the ends of trees
Let moons turn gold, let come what please...
Dancing Along the Footpaths
My girl and me we have it all
In this wet and tired year...
I’m in the pub thinking of you
Never been to Rochester
Without you, I feel I’d prefer...
A woman who’s been through the world
And travelled the length of life and seen
And suffered, loved, enjoyed and been...
If my love should live forever
She’ll go on murdering crosswords cos
(No one can deny) she’s clever...
My young love rests, hopefully sleeps
In the afternoon in Spring – she
Causes the cold bird to sing, she...
Scattered in the garden under a cold sky
Pockets of primrose, bunched up and brave;
Leafless in late March the tree...
Dead weight everywhere – sky’s loaded,
Heavy with grey. No wind to break
This sombreness...