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When I wake you up for morning tea
I always feel immensely fond –
You’re drowsy and not quite yet beyond...
When you’re old
Revelations come thick and fast
But the bastards do not last...
I was to play Claudius the king
A National star the errant Dane,
Film star to be, and no plain Jane...
Sometimes everything is grace
Sunday evening after dinner
My love plays – talent’s in her...
Across the view the long wall stretches
Dark, but topped with lonely snow
Stark branches grasp a sky that’s low...
You feel beleaguered when you’re old
For what’s to come? Fuck all, you’d say
The last few sunsets slip away…
I can’t believe we’re here, he thought
It’s marvellous that we’re here
Through all the tears that love has brought...
There’s all the plays I never wrote
And all the parts I didn’t play
No screenplays either I must say...
I will remember you, you orange sky
West from the window of the train I watch
Amazed that in this latter age the touch...
I got down from the train at Kew
Crossed the road to catch the bus
To home, the very heart of us...