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Memory hurts – our hearts are stung
But sometimes I think the pain is for
Not a particular place but more...
The leaves are embracing the sky
It’s sick how they WRITHE so, like Uriah Heep
And stroking and kissing, so craven, oh weep...
We Argue – harmony has some bum notes
Uninterrupted bliss is not our scene
My poems suggest our love has nothing mean...
She sees me off to go shopping
Loving wife of older man
He’s fit though, he’s no also-ran...
And now the gold and mauve and pink
Of sunset fades and darkness falls
And evening crowds and then we think...
We’d had bad words but now were fine
In the night she went to pee
Muttering something, the tone a sign...
I love the times you call me a cunt
Though some might think it an affront
But I still bliss in knowing this...
The leaves hang low now with the weight of summer,
Swallow you up along the sun-flecked path
Only your legs I see...
I don’t deserve fame
Nor the words “Well done”
Deserving only blame...
When I think about Tom
I stop thinking
Where’s cash coming from...